Milk, 2 Litre Glass Bottle Grass Roots Dairy

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Price includes $2.50 returnable glass bottle deposit, bottles can be returned at any of  grassroots' retail stores.

"Our cows are grass-fed only; no grain is fed to our cows, we are GMO free. Because our cows are grass-fed, their milk contains as much as 6 times CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) than grain-fed cows. CLA is an Omega 6 Fatty Acid, which helps in disease protection, and muscle growth. Grass-fed milk contains higher levels of Beta-carotene, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E."

Grass Root Dairies' Grass Fed Only Milk Is NOT Homogenized

"Meaning the fat globules are not broken down. Our milk still has the cream on top the way nature intended. Just shake it up before you pour. This milk is smoother and has more flavor. Non-homogenized milk allows our bodies to easily absorb and utilize the vitamins and minerals in the milk.  You'll find this milk to be a very good source of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin D, and vitamin B12. Whole cow's milk is a good source of protein, the minerals iodine and phosphorus, and a good source of calcium."

Grass Root Dairies' Grass Fed Only Milk Is Minimally Pasteurized

"We use a low temperature pasteurization process that is among the most unique amid milk producers. The process is called an "HTST" process, or "High Temperature, Short Time." This means we eliminate any pathogenic micro-organisms by bringing the milk to a temperature of no more than 72° F (161°F)— a temperature proven to remove any risk of harmful microbes.In Canada, all milk produced at a processor and intended for consumption must be pasteurized, which legally requires that it be heated to at least 72 °C for at least 1 seconds, then cooling it to 4 °C to ensure any harmful bacteria are destroyed."